CHU Aromatherapy | Christmas Aroma Infusion with Mulled Cider



 CHU Aromatherapy | Christmas Aroma Infusion with Mulled Cider

特殊聖誕精油「熱蘋果酒」(甜橙和肉桂葉香氣)香氣 10ml

循著聖誕的記憶線,窗外白雪皚皚的樹林中閃爍著昏暗唯美的燈光,包裹著毛毯,啜飲一杯香料熱紅酒,一抹橙香搭載著肉桂葉,即是Milled Cider獨特又溫暖的氣息🍷

聖誕限定擴香石 吸收並緩慢釋放您最喜愛的精油的香味,並混合以創造微妙的香味體驗。 非常適合小空間。

使用方法:將擴香石放在平坦的表面上。 將 5-6 滴您最喜愛的精油滴在表面上。 靜置幾分鐘,讓精油吸收。隨著時間的推移,精油會自然地消散在空氣中; 根據需要添加更多精油滴以定製香氣強度和持久力。


How to use:
Place the diffuser stone on a flat surface. Apply 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oil onto the surface. Let sit for a few minutes to allow the essential oils to absorb. Essential oils will naturally dissipate into the air over time; add more essential oil drops as needed to customize scent intensity and staying power.